Thursday, January 2, 2014

Selenium Accessors

Selenium Accessors

assertErrorOnNext ( message )
Tell Selenium to expect an error on the next command execution.
  • message - The error message we should expect. This command will fail if the wrong error message appears.
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
  • assertNotErrorOnNext ( message )
  • verifyErrorOnNext ( message )
  • verifyNotErrorOnNext ( message )
  • waitForErrorOnNext ( message )
  • waitForNotErrorOnNext ( message )

assertFailureOnNext ( message )
Tell Selenium to expect a failure on the next command execution.
  • message - The failure message we should expect. This command will fail if the wrong failure message appears.
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
  • assertNotFailureOnNext ( message )
  • verifyFailureOnNext ( message )
  • verifyNotFailureOnNext ( message )
  • waitForFailureOnNext ( message )
  • waitForNotFailureOnNext ( message )

assertSelected ( selectLocator,optionLocator )
Verifies that the selected option of a drop-down satisfies the optionSpecifier. Note that this command is deprecated; you should use assertSelectedLabel, assertSelectedValue, assertSelectedIndex, or assertSelectedId instead.
See the select command for more information about option locators.
  • selectLocator - an element locator identifying a drop-down menu
  • optionLocator - an option locator, typically just an option label (e.g. "John Smith")
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
  • assertNotSelected ( selectLocator, optionLocator )
  • verifySelected ( selectLocator, optionLocator )
  • verifyNotSelected ( selectLocator, optionLocator )
  • waitForSelected ( selectLocator, optionLocator )
  • waitForNotSelected ( selectLocator, optionLocator )

storeAlert ( variableName )
Retrieves the message of a JavaScript alert generated during the previous action, or fail if there were no alerts.
Getting an alert has the same effect as manually clicking OK. If an alert is generated but you do not consume it with getAlert, the next Selenium action will fail.
Under Selenium, JavaScript alerts will NOT pop up a visible alert dialog.
Selenium does NOT support JavaScript alerts that are generated in a page's onload() event handler. In this case a visible dialog WILL be generated and Selenium will hang until someone manually clicks OK.
The message of the most recent JavaScript alert
Related Assertions, automatically generated:

storeAllButtons ( variableName )
Returns the IDs of all buttons on the page.
If a given button has no ID, it will appear as "" in this array.
the IDs of all buttons on the page
Related Assertions, automatically generated:

storeAllFields ( variableName )
Returns the IDs of all input fields on the page.
If a given field has no ID, it will appear as "" in this array.
the IDs of all field on the page
Related Assertions, automatically generated:

storeAllLinks ( variableName )
Returns the IDs of all links on the page.
If a given link has no ID, it will appear as "" in this array.
the IDs of all links on the page
Related Assertions, automatically generated:

storeAllWindowIds ( variableName )
Returns the IDs of all windows that the browser knows about in an array.
Array of identifiers of all windows that the browser knows about.
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
  • assertAllWindowIds ( pattern )
  • assertNotAllWindowIds ( pattern )
  • verifyAllWindowIds ( pattern )
  • verifyNotAllWindowIds ( pattern )
  • waitForAllWindowIds ( pattern )
  • waitForNotAllWindowIds ( pattern )

storeAllWindowNames ( variableName )
Returns the names of all windows that the browser knows about in an array.
Array of names of all windows that the browser knows about.
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
  • assertAllWindowNames ( pattern )
  • assertNotAllWindowNames ( pattern )
  • verifyAllWindowNames ( pattern )
  • verifyNotAllWindowNames ( pattern )
  • waitForAllWindowNames ( pattern )
  • waitForNotAllWindowNames ( pattern )

storeAllWindowTitles ( variableName )
Returns the titles of all windows that the browser knows about in an array.
Array of titles of all windows that the browser knows about.
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
  • assertAllWindowTitles ( pattern )
  • assertNotAllWindowTitles ( pattern )
  • verifyAllWindowTitles ( pattern )
  • verifyNotAllWindowTitles ( pattern )
  • waitForAllWindowTitles ( pattern )
  • waitForNotAllWindowTitles ( pattern )

storeAttribute ( attributeLocator, variableName )
Gets the value of an element attribute. The value of the attribute may differ across browsers (this is the case for the "style" attribute, for example).
  • attributeLocator - an element locator followed by an @ sign and then the name of the attribute, e.g. "foo@bar"
  • variableName - the name of a variable in which the result is to be stored.
the value of the specified attribute
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
  • assertAttribute ( attributeLocator, pattern )
  • assertNotAttribute ( attributeLocator, pattern )
  • verifyAttribute ( attributeLocator, pattern )
  • verifyNotAttribute ( attributeLocator, pattern )
  • waitForAttribute ( attributeLocator, pattern )
  • waitForNotAttribute ( attributeLocator, pattern )

storeAttributeFromAllWindows ( attributeName, variableName )
Returns an array of JavaScript property values from all known windows having one.
  • attributeName - name of an attribute on the windows
  • variableName - the name of a variable in which the result is to be stored.
the set of values of this attribute from all known windows.
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
  • assertAttributeFromAllWindows ( attributeName, pattern )
  • assertNotAttributeFromAllWindows ( attributeName, pattern )
  • verifyAttributeFromAllWindows ( attributeName, pattern )
  • verifyNotAttributeFromAllWindows ( attributeName, pattern )
  • waitForAttributeFromAllWindows ( attributeName, pattern )
  • waitForNotAttributeFromAllWindows ( attributeName, pattern )

storeBodyText ( variableName )
Gets the entire text of the page.
the entire text of the page
Related Assertions, automatically generated:

storeConfirmation ( variableName )
Retrieves the message of a JavaScript confirmation dialog generated during the previous action.
By default, the confirm function will return true, having the same effect as manually clicking OK. This can be changed by prior execution of the chooseCancelOnNextConfirmation command.
If an confirmation is generated but you do not consume it with getConfirmation, the next Selenium action will fail.
NOTE: under Selenium, JavaScript confirmations will NOT pop up a visible dialog.
NOTE: Selenium does NOT support JavaScript confirmations that are generated in a page's onload() event handler. In this case a visible dialog WILL be generated and Selenium will hang until you manually click OK.
the message of the most recent JavaScript confirmation dialog
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
  • assertConfirmation ( pattern )
  • assertNotConfirmation ( pattern )
  • verifyConfirmation ( pattern )
  • verifyNotConfirmation ( pattern )
  • waitForConfirmation ( pattern )
  • waitForNotConfirmation ( pattern )

storeCookie ( variableName )
Return all cookies of the current page under test.
all cookies of the current page under test
Related Assertions, automatically generated:

storeCookieByName ( name, variableName )
Returns the value of the cookie with the specified name, or throws an error if the cookie is not present.
  • name - the name of the cookie
  • variableName - the name of a variable in which the result is to be stored.
the value of the cookie
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
  • assertCookieByName ( name, pattern )
  • assertNotCookieByName ( name, pattern )
  • verifyCookieByName ( name, pattern )
  • verifyNotCookieByName ( name, pattern )
  • waitForCookieByName ( name, pattern )
  • waitForNotCookieByName ( name, pattern )

storeCursorPosition ( locator, variableName )
Retrieves the text cursor position in the given input element or textarea; beware, this may not work perfectly on all browsers.
Specifically, if the cursor/selection has been cleared by JavaScript, this command will tend to return the position of the last location of the cursor, even though the cursor is now gone from the page. This is filed as SEL-243.
This method will fail if the specified element isn't an input element or textarea, or there is no cursor in the element.
  • locator - an element locator pointing to an input element or textarea
  • variableName - the name of a variable in which the result is to be stored.
the numerical position of the cursor in the field
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
  • assertCursorPosition ( locator, pattern )
  • assertNotCursorPosition ( locator, pattern )
  • verifyCursorPosition ( locator, pattern )
  • verifyNotCursorPosition ( locator, pattern )
  • waitForCursorPosition ( locator, pattern )
  • waitForNotCursorPosition ( locator, pattern )

storeElementHeight ( locator, variableName )
Retrieves the height of an element
  • locator - an element locator pointing to an element
  • variableName - the name of a variable in which the result is to be stored.
height of an element in pixels
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
  • assertElementHeight ( locator, pattern )
  • assertNotElementHeight ( locator, pattern )
  • verifyElementHeight ( locator, pattern )
  • verifyNotElementHeight ( locator, pattern )
  • waitForElementHeight ( locator, pattern )
  • waitForNotElementHeight ( locator, pattern )

storeElementIndex ( locator, variableName )
Get the relative index of an element to its parent (starting from 0). The comment node and empty text node will be ignored.
  • locator - an element locator pointing to an element
  • variableName - the name of a variable in which the result is to be stored.
of relative index of the element to its parent (starting from 0)
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
  • assertElementIndex ( locator, pattern )
  • assertNotElementIndex ( locator, pattern )
  • verifyElementIndex ( locator, pattern )
  • verifyNotElementIndex ( locator, pattern )
  • waitForElementIndex ( locator, pattern )
  • waitForNotElementIndex ( locator, pattern )

storeElementPositionLeft ( locator, variableName )
Retrieves the horizontal position of an element
  • locator - an element locator pointing to an element OR an element itself
  • variableName - the name of a variable in which the result is to be stored.
of pixels from the edge of the frame.
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
  • assertElementPositionLeft ( locator, pattern )
  • assertNotElementPositionLeft ( locator, pattern )
  • verifyElementPositionLeft ( locator, pattern )
  • verifyNotElementPositionLeft ( locator, pattern )
  • waitForElementPositionLeft ( locator, pattern )
  • waitForNotElementPositionLeft ( locator, pattern )

storeElementPositionTop ( locator, variableName )
Retrieves the vertical position of an element
  • locator - an element locator pointing to an element OR an element itself
  • variableName - the name of a variable in which the result is to be stored.
of pixels from the edge of the frame.
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
  • assertElementPositionTop ( locator, pattern )
  • assertNotElementPositionTop ( locator, pattern )
  • verifyElementPositionTop ( locator, pattern )
  • verifyNotElementPositionTop ( locator, pattern )
  • waitForElementPositionTop ( locator, pattern )
  • waitForNotElementPositionTop ( locator, pattern )

storeElementWidth ( locator, variableName )
Retrieves the width of an element
  • locator - an element locator pointing to an element
  • variableName - the name of a variable in which the result is to be stored.
width of an element in pixels
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
  • assertElementWidth ( locator, pattern )
  • assertNotElementWidth ( locator, pattern )
  • verifyElementWidth ( locator, pattern )
  • verifyNotElementWidth ( locator, pattern )
  • waitForElementWidth ( locator, pattern )
  • waitForNotElementWidth ( locator, pattern )

storeEval ( script, variableName )
Gets the result of evaluating the specified JavaScript snippet. The snippet may have multiple lines, but only the result of the last line will be returned.
Note that, by default, the snippet will run in the context of the "selenium" object itself, so this will refer to the Selenium object. Use window to refer to the window of your application, e.g.window.document.getElementById('foo')
If you need to use a locator to refer to a single element in your application page, you can use this.browserbot.findElement("id=foo") where "id=foo" is your locator.
  • script - the JavaScript snippet to run
  • variableName - the name of a variable in which the result is to be stored.
the results of evaluating the snippet
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
  • assertEval ( script, pattern )
  • assertNotEval ( script, pattern )
  • verifyEval ( script, pattern )
  • verifyNotEval ( script, pattern )
  • waitForEval ( script, pattern )
  • waitForNotEval ( script, pattern )

storeExpression ( expression, variableName )
Returns the specified expression.
This is useful because of JavaScript preprocessing. It is used to generate commands like assertExpression and waitForExpression.
  • expression - the value to return
  • variableName - the name of a variable in which the result is to be stored.
the value passed in
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
  • assertExpression ( expression, pattern )
  • assertNotExpression ( expression, pattern )
  • verifyExpression ( expression, pattern )
  • verifyNotExpression ( expression, pattern )
  • waitForExpression ( expression, pattern )
  • waitForNotExpression ( expression, pattern )

storeHtmlSource ( variableName )
Returns the entire HTML source between the opening and closing "html" tags.
the entire HTML source
Related Assertions, automatically generated:

storeLocation ( variableName )
Gets the absolute URL of the current page.
the absolute URL of the current page
Related Assertions, automatically generated:

storeMouseSpeed ( variableName )
Returns the number of pixels between "mousemove" events during dragAndDrop commands (default=10).
the number of pixels between "mousemove" events during dragAndDrop commands (default=10)
Related Assertions, automatically generated:

storePrompt ( variableName )
Retrieves the message of a JavaScript question prompt dialog generated during the previous action.
Successful handling of the prompt requires prior execution of the answerOnNextPrompt command. If a prompt is generated but you do not get/verify it, the next Selenium action will fail.
NOTE: under Selenium, JavaScript prompts will NOT pop up a visible dialog.
NOTE: Selenium does NOT support JavaScript prompts that are generated in a page's onload() event handler. In this case a visible dialog WILL be generated and Selenium will hang until someone manually clicks OK.
the message of the most recent JavaScript question prompt
Related Assertions, automatically generated:

storeSelectedId ( selectLocator, variableName )
Gets option element ID for selected option in the specified select element.
  • selectLocator - an element locator identifying a drop-down menu
  • variableName - the name of a variable in which the result is to be stored.
the selected option ID in the specified select drop-down
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
  • assertSelectedId ( selectLocator, pattern )
  • assertNotSelectedId ( selectLocator, pattern )
  • verifySelectedId ( selectLocator, pattern )
  • verifyNotSelectedId ( selectLocator, pattern )
  • waitForSelectedId ( selectLocator, pattern )
  • waitForNotSelectedId ( selectLocator, pattern )

storeSelectedIds ( selectLocator, variableName )
Gets all option element IDs for selected options in the specified select or multi-select element.
  • selectLocator - an element locator identifying a drop-down menu
  • variableName - the name of a variable in which the result is to be stored.
an array of all selected option IDs in the specified select drop-down
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
  • assertSelectedIds ( selectLocator, pattern )
  • assertNotSelectedIds ( selectLocator, pattern )
  • verifySelectedIds ( selectLocator, pattern )
  • verifyNotSelectedIds ( selectLocator, pattern )
  • waitForSelectedIds ( selectLocator, pattern )
  • waitForNotSelectedIds ( selectLocator, pattern )

storeSelectedIndex ( selectLocator, variableName )
Gets option index (option number, starting at 0) for selected option in the specified select element.
  • selectLocator - an element locator identifying a drop-down menu
  • variableName - the name of a variable in which the result is to be stored.
the selected option index in the specified select drop-down
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
  • assertSelectedIndex ( selectLocator, pattern )
  • assertNotSelectedIndex ( selectLocator, pattern )
  • verifySelectedIndex ( selectLocator, pattern )
  • verifyNotSelectedIndex ( selectLocator, pattern )
  • waitForSelectedIndex ( selectLocator, pattern )
  • waitForNotSelectedIndex ( selectLocator, pattern )

storeSelectedIndexes ( selectLocator, variableName )
Gets all option indexes (option number, starting at 0) for selected options in the specified select or multi-select element.
  • selectLocator - an element locator identifying a drop-down menu
  • variableName - the name of a variable in which the result is to be stored.
an array of all selected option indexes in the specified select drop-down
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
  • assertSelectedIndexes ( selectLocator, pattern )
  • assertNotSelectedIndexes ( selectLocator, pattern )
  • verifySelectedIndexes ( selectLocator, pattern )
  • verifyNotSelectedIndexes ( selectLocator, pattern )
  • waitForSelectedIndexes ( selectLocator, pattern )
  • waitForNotSelectedIndexes ( selectLocator, pattern )

storeSelectedLabel ( selectLocator, variableName )
Gets option label (visible text) for selected option in the specified select element.
  • selectLocator - an element locator identifying a drop-down menu
  • variableName - the name of a variable in which the result is to be stored.
the selected option label in the specified select drop-down
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
  • assertSelectedLabel ( selectLocator, pattern )
  • assertNotSelectedLabel ( selectLocator, pattern )
  • verifySelectedLabel ( selectLocator, pattern )
  • verifyNotSelectedLabel ( selectLocator, pattern )
  • waitForSelectedLabel ( selectLocator, pattern )
  • waitForNotSelectedLabel ( selectLocator, pattern )

storeSelectedLabels ( selectLocator, variableName )
Gets all option labels (visible text) for selected options in the specified select or multi-select element.
  • selectLocator - an element locator identifying a drop-down menu
  • variableName - the name of a variable in which the result is to be stored.
an array of all selected option labels in the specified select drop-down
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
  • assertSelectedLabels ( selectLocator, pattern )
  • assertNotSelectedLabels ( selectLocator, pattern )
  • verifySelectedLabels ( selectLocator, pattern )
  • verifyNotSelectedLabels ( selectLocator, pattern )
  • waitForSelectedLabels ( selectLocator, pattern )
  • waitForNotSelectedLabels ( selectLocator, pattern )

storeSelectedValue ( selectLocator, variableName )
Gets option value (value attribute) for selected option in the specified select element.
  • selectLocator - an element locator identifying a drop-down menu
  • variableName - the name of a variable in which the result is to be stored.
the selected option value in the specified select drop-down
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
  • assertSelectedValue ( selectLocator, pattern )
  • assertNotSelectedValue ( selectLocator, pattern )
  • verifySelectedValue ( selectLocator, pattern )
  • verifyNotSelectedValue ( selectLocator, pattern )
  • waitForSelectedValue ( selectLocator, pattern )
  • waitForNotSelectedValue ( selectLocator, pattern )

storeSelectedValues ( selectLocator, variableName )
Gets all option values (value attributes) for selected options in the specified select or multi-select element.
  • selectLocator - an element locator identifying a drop-down menu
  • variableName - the name of a variable in which the result is to be stored.
an array of all selected option values in the specified select drop-down
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
  • assertSelectedValues ( selectLocator, pattern )
  • assertNotSelectedValues ( selectLocator, pattern )
  • verifySelectedValues ( selectLocator, pattern )
  • verifyNotSelectedValues ( selectLocator, pattern )
  • waitForSelectedValues ( selectLocator, pattern )
  • waitForNotSelectedValues ( selectLocator, pattern )

storeSelectOptions ( selectLocator, variableName )
Gets all option labels in the specified select drop-down.
  • selectLocator - an element locator identifying a drop-down menu
  • variableName - the name of a variable in which the result is to be stored.
an array of all option labels in the specified select drop-down
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
  • assertSelectOptions ( selectLocator, pattern )
  • assertNotSelectOptions ( selectLocator, pattern )
  • verifySelectOptions ( selectLocator, pattern )
  • verifyNotSelectOptions ( selectLocator, pattern )
  • waitForSelectOptions ( selectLocator, pattern )
  • waitForNotSelectOptions ( selectLocator, pattern )

storeSpeed ( variableName )
Get execution speed (i.e., get the millisecond length of the delay following each selenium operation). By default, there is no such delay, i.e., the delay is 0 milliseconds. See also setSpeed.
the execution speed in milliseconds.
Related Assertions, automatically generated:

storeTable ( tableCellAddress, variableName )
Gets the text from a cell of a table. The cellAddress syntax tableLocator.row.column, where row and column start at 0.
  • tableCellAddress - a cell address, e.g. "foo.1.4"
  • variableName - the name of a variable in which the result is to be stored.
the text from the specified cell
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
  • assertTable ( tableCellAddress, pattern )
  • assertNotTable ( tableCellAddress, pattern )
  • verifyTable ( tableCellAddress, pattern )
  • verifyNotTable ( tableCellAddress, pattern )
  • waitForTable ( tableCellAddress, pattern )
  • waitForNotTable ( tableCellAddress, pattern )

storeText ( locator, variableName )
Gets the text of an element. This works for any element that contains text. This command uses either the textContent (Mozilla-like browsers) or the innerText (IE-like browsers) of the element, which is the rendered text shown to the user.
the text of the element
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
  • assertText ( locator, pattern )
  • assertNotText ( locator, pattern )
  • verifyText ( locator, pattern )
  • verifyNotText ( locator, pattern )
  • waitForText ( locator, pattern )
  • waitForNotText ( locator, pattern )

storeTitle ( variableName )
Gets the title of the current page.
the title of the current page
Related Assertions, automatically generated:

storeValue ( locator, variableName )
Gets the (whitespace-trimmed) value of an input field (or anything else with a value parameter). For checkbox/radio elements, the value will be "on" or "off" depending on whether the element is checked or not.
the element value, or "on/off" for checkbox/radio elements
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
  • assertValue ( locator, pattern )
  • assertNotValue ( locator, pattern )
  • verifyValue ( locator, pattern )
  • verifyNotValue ( locator, pattern )
  • waitForValue ( locator, pattern )
  • waitForNotValue ( locator, pattern )

storeWhetherThisFrameMatchFrameExpression ( currentFrameString, target, variableName )
Determine whether current/locator identify the frame containing this running code.
This is useful in proxy injection mode, where this code runs in every browser frame and window, and sometimes the selenium server needs to identify the "current" frame. In this case, when the test calls selectFrame, this routine is called for each frame to figure out which one has been selected. The selected frame will return true, while all others will return false.
  • currentFrameString - starting frame
  • target - new frame (which might be relative to the current one)
  • variableName - the name of a variable in which the result is to be stored.
true if the new frame is this code's window
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
  • assertWhetherThisFrameMatchFrameExpression ( currentFrameString, target )
  • assertNotWhetherThisFrameMatchFrameExpression ( currentFrameString, target )
  • verifyWhetherThisFrameMatchFrameExpression ( currentFrameString, target )
  • verifyNotWhetherThisFrameMatchFrameExpression ( currentFrameString, target )
  • waitForWhetherThisFrameMatchFrameExpression ( currentFrameString, target )
  • waitForNotWhetherThisFrameMatchFrameExpression ( currentFrameString, target )

storeWhetherThisWindowMatchWindowExpression ( currentWindowString, target, variableName )
Determine whether currentWindowString plus target identify the window containing this running code.
This is useful in proxy injection mode, where this code runs in every browser frame and window, and sometimes the selenium server needs to identify the "current" window. In this case, when the test calls selectWindow, this routine is called for each window to figure out which one has been selected. The selected window will return true, while all others will return false.
  • currentWindowString - starting window
  • target - new window (which might be relative to the current one, e.g., "_parent")
  • variableName - the name of a variable in which the result is to be stored.
true if the new window is this code's window
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
  • assertWhetherThisWindowMatchWindowExpression ( currentWindowString, target )
  • assertNotWhetherThisWindowMatchWindowExpression ( currentWindowString, target )
  • verifyWhetherThisWindowMatchWindowExpression ( currentWindowString, target )
  • verifyNotWhetherThisWindowMatchWindowExpression ( currentWindowString, target )
  • waitForWhetherThisWindowMatchWindowExpression ( currentWindowString, target )
  • waitForNotWhetherThisWindowMatchWindowExpression ( currentWindowString, target )

storeXpathCount ( xpath, variableName )
Returns the number of nodes that match the specified xpath, eg. "//table" would give the number of tables.
  • xpath - the xpath expression to evaluate. do NOT wrap this expression in a 'count()' function; we will do that for you.
  • variableName - the name of a variable in which the result is to be stored.
the number of nodes that match the specified xpath
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
  • assertXpathCount ( xpath, pattern )
  • assertNotXpathCount ( xpath, pattern )
  • verifyXpathCount ( xpath, pattern )
  • verifyNotXpathCount ( xpath, pattern )
  • waitForXpathCount ( xpath, pattern )
  • waitForNotXpathCount ( xpath, pattern )

storeAlertPresent ( variableName )
Has an alert occurred?
This function never throws an exception
true if there is an alert
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
  • assertAlertPresent ( )
  • assertAlertNotPresent ( )
  • verifyAlertPresent ( )
  • verifyAlertNotPresent ( )
  • waitForAlertPresent ( )
  • waitForAlertNotPresent ( )

storeChecked ( locator, variableName )
Gets whether a toggle-button (checkbox/radio) is checked. Fails if the specified element doesn't exist or isn't a toggle-button.
  • locator - an element locator pointing to a checkbox or radio button
  • variableName - the name of a variable in which the result is to be stored.
true if the checkbox is checked, false otherwise
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
  • assertChecked ( locator )
  • assertNotChecked ( locator )
  • verifyChecked ( locator )
  • verifyNotChecked ( locator )
  • waitForChecked ( locator )
  • waitForNotChecked ( locator )

storeConfirmationPresent ( variableName )
Has confirm() been called?
This function never throws an exception
true if there is a pending confirmation
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
  • assertConfirmationPresent ( )
  • assertConfirmationNotPresent ( )
  • verifyConfirmationPresent ( )
  • verifyConfirmationNotPresent ( )
  • waitForConfirmationPresent ( )
  • waitForConfirmationNotPresent ( )

storeCookiePresent ( name, variableName )
Returns true if a cookie with the specified name is present, or false otherwise.
  • name - the name of the cookie
  • variableName - the name of a variable in which the result is to be stored.
true if a cookie with the specified name is present, or false otherwise.
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
  • assertCookiePresent ( name )
  • assertCookieNotPresent ( name )
  • verifyCookiePresent ( name )
  • verifyCookieNotPresent ( name )
  • waitForCookiePresent ( name )
  • waitForCookieNotPresent ( name )

storeEditable ( locator, variableName )
Determines whether the specified input element is editable, ie hasn't been disabled. This method will fail if the specified element isn't an input element.
true if the input element is editable, false otherwise
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
  • assertEditable ( locator )
  • assertNotEditable ( locator )
  • verifyEditable ( locator )
  • verifyNotEditable ( locator )
  • waitForEditable ( locator )
  • waitForNotEditable ( locator )

storeElementPresent ( locator, variableName )
Verifies that the specified element is somewhere on the page.
true if the element is present, false otherwise
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
  • assertElementPresent ( locator )
  • assertElementNotPresent ( locator )
  • verifyElementPresent ( locator )
  • verifyElementNotPresent ( locator )
  • waitForElementPresent ( locator )
  • waitForElementNotPresent ( locator )

storeOrdered ( locator1, locator2, variableName )
Check if these two elements have same parent and are ordered siblings in the DOM. Two same elements will not be considered ordered.
  • locator1 - an element locator pointing to the first element
  • locator2 - an element locator pointing to the second element
  • variableName - the name of a variable in which the result is to be stored.
true if element1 is the previous sibling of element2, false otherwise
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
  • assertOrdered ( locator1, locator2 )
  • assertNotOrdered ( locator1, locator2 )
  • verifyOrdered ( locator1, locator2 )
  • verifyNotOrdered ( locator1, locator2 )
  • waitForOrdered ( locator1, locator2 )
  • waitForNotOrdered ( locator1, locator2 )

storePromptPresent ( variableName )
Has a prompt occurred?
This function never throws an exception
true if there is a pending prompt
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
  • assertPromptPresent ( )
  • assertPromptNotPresent ( )
  • verifyPromptPresent ( )
  • verifyPromptNotPresent ( )
  • waitForPromptPresent ( )
  • waitForPromptNotPresent ( )

storeSomethingSelected ( selectLocator, variableName )
Determines whether some option in a drop-down menu is selected.
  • selectLocator - an element locator identifying a drop-down menu
  • variableName - the name of a variable in which the result is to be stored.
true if some option has been selected, false otherwise
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
  • assertSomethingSelected ( selectLocator )
  • assertNotSomethingSelected ( selectLocator )
  • verifySomethingSelected ( selectLocator )
  • verifyNotSomethingSelected ( selectLocator )
  • waitForSomethingSelected ( selectLocator )
  • waitForNotSomethingSelected ( selectLocator )

storeTextPresent ( pattern, variableName )
Verifies that the specified text pattern appears somewhere on the rendered page shown to the user.
  • pattern - a pattern to match with the text of the page
  • variableName - the name of a variable in which the result is to be stored.
true if the pattern matches the text, false otherwise
Related Assertions, automatically generated:
  • assertTextPresent ( pattern )
  • assertTextNotPresent ( pattern )
  • verifyTextPresent ( pattern )
  • verifyTextNotPresent ( pattern )
  • waitForTextPresent ( pattern )
  • waitForTextNotPresent ( pattern )

storeVisible ( locator, variableName )
Determines if the specified element is visible. An element can be rendered invisible by setting the CSS "visibility" property to "hidden", or the "display" property to "none", either for the element itself or one if its ancestors. This method will fail if the element is not present.
true if the specified element is visible, false otherwise
Related Assertions, automatically generated:

  • assertVisible ( locator )
  • assertNotVisible ( locator )
  • verifyVisible ( locator )
  • verifyNotVisible ( locator )
  • waitForVisible ( locator )
  • waitForNotVisible ( locator )

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