Terms Use For Selenium IDE
1. Base URL: This is the URL that the test will start at. All open commands will be
relative to the Base URL unless a full path is inserted in the open command.
2. Speed Slider: This is the slider under the Fast and Slow labels on the screen.
3. Run all the tests in the IDE.
4. Run a single test in the IDE.
5. Pause a test that is currently running.
Step through the test once it has paused.
6. This is the record button. This will be engaged when the test is recording.
7. The Command select box has a list of all the commands that are needed to
create a test. You can type into it to use the auto complete functionality or use
it as a dropdown.
8. The Target text box allows you to input the location of the element that you want to
work against.
9. The Find button, once the target box is populated, can be clicked to highlight the
element on the page.
10. The Value text box is where you place the value that needs to change. For example,
if you want your test to type in an input box on the web page, you would put what
you want it to type in the value box.
11. The Test table will keep track of all your commands, targets, and values. It has been
structured this way because the original version of Selenium was styled on FIT tests.
12. FIT was created by Ward Cunningham and means Framework for Integrated Testing.
The tests were originally designed to be run from HTML files and the IDE keeps this
idea for its tests.
13. If you click the Source tab you will be able to see the HTML that will store the test.
The area below the Value text box will show the Selenium log while the tests are
running. If an item fails, then it will have an [error] entry.
This area will also show help on Selenium Commands when you are working in the
Command selectbox. This can be extremely useful when typing commands into
Selenium IDE instead of using the record feature.
The Log tab will show a log of what is happening during the test. The Reference tab
gives you documentation on the command that you have highlighted.